Thursday, April 19, 2012

New Merton Cabinet Member for Education announced

19 April 2012
Merton Labour Group Statement
New Merton Cabinet Member for Education announced
Merton Councillor Maxi Martin is to become both Cabinet Member for Education as well Cabinet Member for Children Services.

Cllr Stephen Alambritis, Leader of the Council, said "Peter Walker has done excellent work on Labour’s policy of expanding our best performing schools to provide more places for local children. However I regard this conduct as wholly unacceptable. It is not the way the Labour administration does business. I have therefore immediately dismissed Cllr Walker as Cabinet Member for Education. Cllr Maxi Martin, who is in overall charge of Children’s Services, will take over."

For further information please contact:
Leaders Office 020 8545 3721 Letter from Cllr Peter Walker Dear Stephen I am saddened by your decision to dismiss me from the Cabinet as a result of a complaint from the “Save our Rec” Campaign. Illegal fly posting in my local park, Dundonald Rec, by Save our Rec supporters is wrong. As you know, the Council itself and the local park keeper have repeatedly had to take down their fly posts. I now find myself in the strange position for being sacked for doing what Council staff had been instructed to do. Namely to remove illegal flyposts put up by supporters of Save our Rec in my local recreation ground I am very grateful for the opportunity you gave me to lead the major re-structuring of Education in Merton over the last two years. I am particularly pleased to have facilitated the expansion of good and outstanding local primary schools often in the face of determined opposition. I was delighted to announce last week that Merton had secured an additional £7.3M for our school expansion programme, and last night I was able to tell the Council Scrutiny Panel that we will be able to offer places to all our 5 year olds this coming September. This is a direct result of the expansion programme that I have pursued and ensures that the 39% increase in 5 year olds that we have had in Merton will be accommodated . Last but not least, this all came after the best ever GCSE results by Merton schools last summer. It goes without saying that I will continue to support you and this Council’s policies loyally from Labour’s back benches, and will use all my efforts to ensure that the progress that schools in Merton made while I was Cabinet Member for Education continues. Best wishes Peter Walker