Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Obama is elected president

The election of Barack Obama as president is a remarkable and inspirational event. Having backed him from the start, my faith in him was vindicated and his election has ushered in a new era in Amercian politics. It also shows how much America has changed over the last forty years since the civil rights movement and it's willingness to embace Barack shows that as country it has come together.

This has been a hard fought election between Republicans and Democrats with many twists and turns along the way but eventually Barack came out on top. The crucial turning point was the financial problems in September which had a huge impact on the polls and in turning a narrow Obama lead into a substantial lead. John McCain fought a good fight to the end, but it was clear that he did not have the vision to move the country forward or to bring people together. His choice as Sarah Palin as his running mate was a disaster.

Now is opportunity for Barack to turn words into action, expectations are high but I believe that he has the necessary skills to bring about change America.


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