Thursday, April 03, 2008

Bertie Ahern resigns as Irish Taoiseach

Although he was not perfect and many question remain unanswered relating to his personal finances, Bertie Ahern's contribution to politics in Ireland has been significant and he'll leave behind many achievements. The main one has to be the Good Friday agreement in 1998 and peace in Northern Ireland, what has happened in past few years would have been unimaginable just a few years ago. His contribution along with Tony Blair was significant and very successful.

During his time in office, Ireland has enjoyed unrivalled prosperity. As a country it has turned from being a basket case economy to one of the most successful in the western world. Every time I go to Ireland, I see this changing society and as a country it has never had it so good. Though like the rest of the western world, the economy has slowed down recently and levels of personal debt are high.

Bertie was certainly a character, indeed his sheer charisma probably helped him win a third term last year. His departure from office will undoubtedly be overshadowed by recent events and investigations, but his impact on Ireland has been huge and his legacy is a changed Ireland.


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