Thursday, February 07, 2008

Councillor allowances increase abandoned

At the Merton Council meeting on Wednesday night, the Tories withdrew plans to increase councillor allowances by up to 28%. The council did however agree to introduce a Dependent Carers' allowance and Subsistence Allowance. The meeting also agreed a resolution to bring the issue back next year; Labour councillors who argued that the scheme should be extended till 2010 and after the next council election opposed this. At long last this debate has reached a conclusion after many hours spent on the issue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

So how much are the allowances that have been introduced.. and are they for all Councillors??

At what stage were the plans for the 28% raise cancelled?

9:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you know what the votes were on this in the end? Was it narrow?

10:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Surely the greedy Tories backed-out after getting such a bad press from the local Guardian, particularly when they exposed the Tory council's money-grab alongwith Stephen Hammond's sprint to get paid like the GPs!

2:43 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Allowances differ between authorities. Where I am the basic allowance is £8K not including expense claims. If you get on committees you can really bump your salary up though, to the tune of about £2K per committee. Plus you get more if you take on a portfolio or a position within your party group. A pretty penny can be earned.

9:17 pm  

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