Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Harris Academy Merton GCSE results

I returned from holiday today to hear the good news that the Harris Academy in my Pollards Hill ward had seen significantly improved GCSE result with 39% achieving A-C at GCSE, a significant improvement on the previous figure of 31% under the old school Tamworth Manor.

While the school still has a way to go before reaching the national average, the school has improved significantly over the past year and goes into the new school year with full intake something this has not happened for many years and is a far cry from the previous position where the school under subscribed and parents would do anything not to send their children to the school.

With a new sixth form opening this year which will link up with the other Harris Academies it will hopefully also improve staying on rates which are still way below the national average. Giving students the life chances to succeed in life is crucial and under the Harris Academy I believe increase number of students will be given that opportunity.

My congratulations also goes to the Head Andy Halpin and all his staff on this improved performance, likewise my congatulations extend to all those students who achived success in their GCSE's.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great news indeed!

Do you know how St.Mark's Acadmeny faired?

12:21 pm  

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