Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Full Council meeting

The last full Council of the Council year(we've got the Council AGM in three weeks along with a new mayor) was a pretty mundane affair and I've certainly attended more lively meetings in my time as a councillor. The main issue under discussion was climate change and the environment. Whilst the issue produced a consensus in many areas(which is welcome), nevertheless key differences emerged over the introduction of wheelie bins which the Tories refuse to do despite 80% support and clear evidence that they boost recycling. The amendments moved by the Tories to the Labour Group motion deleted references on giving clear commitments in many environmental areas, it's all very well being aspirational but clear commitments are required.

The other issues discussed was the Housing Stock Options and agreement to undertake a consultation with residents. After the initial problems with the Conservatives on the issue, they've agreed to also consult on the Community Gateway option which the Labour group moved to be included. This will be a big issue over the next year and any decision taken needs to be in the best interest of tenants and allow the necessary investment which is required in the housing stock. However, for any stock options to be successful it does require a degree of consensus and as a Labour group we'll be closely monitoring the issue.

In terms of other issues, the Local Development Framework - draft core strategy was approved along with the Merton's Local Development Scheme.

The meeting concluded 30 minutes earlier then scheduled and that was the first time that's happened in a long time.


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