Friday, April 06, 2007

P3 site application rejected (Hartfield Road car park)

At Planning Committee on Wednesday, the application for the P3 site on Hartfield Road(this is the car park at the back of Morrison's and the cinema in Wimbledon) was rejected by the committee. I'm not on planning and have not been given the full details of what happened, though from having looked over the application a number of issues did exist(some of which I would have raised if I was on planning) and a number of objections had been made by local residents regarding the application.

The turning down of the application will inevitably cause further delay to the building of the new Wimbledon Civic Hall, the receipts from this site would've been used to facilitate the development of the Civic Hall which adjoins Wimbledon Theatre.

A local resident has passed on to me an e-mail from Stephen Hammond(and their own comment) about the application and any potential appeal from the applicants. Chris refers to Cllr Chris Edge(Dundonald councillor). If the proposal is withdrawn from the market it will effectively be back to square one on the proposal, as the Labour opposition we will be watching closely future developments.

----- Original Message -----
From: HAMMOND, Stephen
To: [various residents]
Cc: ; ;
Sent: Friday, April 06, 2007 7:48 PM
Subject: RE: P3 application rejected

Well done

I sent a letter of objection to Chairman which I hope was read out

Whilst it may go to appeal, the council can scupper that if it now withdraws the site from the market.
Chris might I suggest you speak to David Williams asap about this and then a new consultation and planning brief can be drawn up.


It might tell you something about the Conservatives' plans for the site? It contrasts rather with David Williams' comment to the Council on 12 July 2006

"I know of nothing, however, at this point in time, which would prevent the sale of P3 going through. Madam Mayor, this Administration is committed to building a new civic hall."

p 24:


Anonymous Anonymous said...

But what's Labour's UNAMBIGUOUS view on this very serious proposal (besides just "watching" from the sideline)?
Further, by the fact that you have published it on a public blog site, can we take Hammond's email as authentic?

6:54 am  

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