Thursday, December 21, 2006

Donnelly Green lighting

At the moment one of the issues that is provoking the most casework, is the lighting on Donnelly Green which is an open space in my Pollards Hill ward. This green has many public footpaths running across the green to the bus stop and also to the community facilities including the library and community centre. The footpaths have lighting and I managed to get some of the lighting replaced earlier this year(most of it was broken, dangerous) but shoprtly after lighting on the other part of the green became faulty

I was greeted with an e-mail yesterday that the relevant officer has gone on holiday till the New Year and that I will hear back then which I do not find particularly acceptable. The problem apparently has been with the energy supplier EDF, who carry out the work on behalf of the Council. However as the Council own the lighting and it is ultimately the responsibility of Merton Council to rectify the matter, in this instance Merton Council despite repeated letters and e-mails from local ward councillors over many months have failed to resolve the issue.

The latest information I have from Merton Council, is that the reason for the delay is that EDF have identified the power source for the lights adjacent to and behind the community centre. They have found that this supply has been disconnected, either deliberately or accidentally. EDF are carrying our further investigations to establish what needs to be done to restore the supply. If a cable has been damaged it might be a case of laying a new cable. I just hope that this does not a further few months for something to get done.

I’ve also been concerned as well about the safety implications of the lighting not working, with the long nights. With many residents using the footpath security issues exist for residents walking along the footpath. Likewise the CCTV camera on Donnelly Green behind the community center is limited due to the poor lighting. Having a safe area with adequate lighting is essential if a people are to feel safe.

Hopefully the issue will get rectified soon though I've no doubt if it had been on the Wimbledon side of the Borough it would have got fixed by now, still I live in hope and hopefully this gets resolved soon.


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