Thursday, September 28, 2006

Windmill Application update

The issue of the Windmill trading estate is still an on-going issue in my ward. In fact, I have now been dealing with the issue for the past three years. Tonight we had an open evening with the developers and over 30 attended during the time I was at the open evening. They are organising another session on Saturday morning between 10 and 2.

The general views of residents about the current proposal for the site is general opposition and I believe that many of the concerns are genuine especially give its location overlooking the Common and the proposal for five storey buildings. I also have concern with the number of units being proposed in the development give the nature of the site and the area that it is located within which does not have high levels of public transport accessibility and encourage car usage.

Currently the issue is going to appeal but I am having a public meeting on the matter at the Baptist Church in Pollards Hill along with my fellow two ward colleagues Zenia and Richard on 11th October at 7 pm to discuss the matter. Since the first application at the beginning of 2004, I've had regular meeting with local residents as the matter has generated a large number of responses from residents throughout the area including over 250 representations on the issue.

A public inquiry is due to commence in November though the latest application is clearly an attempt to avoid the inquiry. Having also had little consultation with the residents over the past few years the developers have suddenly started to communicate again locally having ignored residents for 2 ½ years. The developers have hired a PR company, but judging by tonight they would to need to do a a great deal better to sell this scheme to local residents.


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