Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Tony Blair's future

The last two days have been pretty volatile and the resignations of Tom Watson along with seven ministerial aides from government has seen the calls for Tony Blair to go spread far wider then the likes of John Mc Donnell, Glenda Jackson etc. With the announcement in today's Sun about an alleged date of 31st May 2007 as the day he will announce his departure, it is clear this has not quelled the ranks of Laboour MP's calling for his departure.

I feel very sad about everything that has happened, disunity is deeply damaging to the party and the current situation is not helped by the behaviour of some, it is clear that some Labour MP's in calling for his departure have created a climate of instability. The current position cannot continue and the only ones that stand to benefit from this disunity will ultimately be the Tories. Given our previous history, it should be clear to all that disunity will only lead to us to being in opposition.

It has been clear in the last few months that Tony Blair was likely to depart next year after being Prime Minister for ten years along with being party leader for thirteen and I hope that this is still allowed to happen though the likelihood is diminishing by the hour. Tony Blair should’ve been treated with dignity and respect by some Labour MP’s given what he has achieved for the Labour party in the last ten years and in winning three elections. It is my view these matters will have to be resolved soon as the current situation cannot continue.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tony Blair's future? He was the future once!

7:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

His future? A fairly lucrative one, no doubt - memoirs, lecture tours, a high-profile job (possibly in the RC church?). A rich reward for his labours and devotion to the cause of peace and, above-all, his very transparent and obvious humility.

3:37 pm  

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