Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Back from Manchester

Well I'm back from Manchester after a four drive down the motorway, pretty exhausted but plenty to report on. Never got round to updating my blog at Conference it was so hectic and I'm too tired tonight to write a full report tonight(a task fro tommorrow). I will say though it was a great conference with what in my opinion was probably Tony Blair's greatest ever speech in his time as a leader.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was the speech even greater than the ones he made to persuade parliament that we were in danger from those non-existent weapons of mass destruction? Did it compare with Clinton's speech? Who wrote his speech? Alistair Campbell, perhaps?

8:37 pm  
Blogger Martin Whelton said...

Obviously not a supporter of Tony Blair. Iraq is a difficult issue, I supported the action on Iraq and I believe Tony Blair was genuine it what he said at the time. Like any leader he has people who assisting in writing the speech but the speech was sincere and a great deal of it was from the heart.

10:36 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

But the consensus of opinion is that he had already committed the UK to military action with Bush in Iraq months before the debates in Parliament. So sincere or not, Blair is capable of manipulating others to get what he wants - and, as an accomplished actor/orator, he does this regularly at Conference. But judge the man by the results of his actions not on staged emotional speeches.
Have you seen the film The Queen? Michael Sheen's performance as Tony Blair is very good - not unsympathetic and definitely not a parody. But it does highlight the role of speech writers especially Alistair Campbell. Tom Lehman is a far more charismatic speechmaker than Ian Woosnam but Woosie's stumbling public performances show him to be a genuine person.
Clinton spoke for 40 minutes without notes whereas Tony Blair delivers a calculated and rehearsed speech written by admen and spin doctors designed specifically to tug all the right strings.
The man's obvious 'sincerity' makes me puke.

4:58 am  

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