Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Tamworth Manor and Merton Council Press Statement

Naturally, I believe the decision the High Court reached in granting a judicial review to Rob MacDonald was wrong. Thankfully it it is being fast tracked by the court in view of the time scales involved.

I have no doubt it will get the go ahead, as I believe the process was sound and in keeping with the law. While a time existed for people to oppose and voice their views(and many did) this court decision adds nothing to benefit the children of Tamworth Manor and Mitcham Vale.

I have enclosed the Merton Council Press Statement.

05 July 2006
Statement re Tamworth Manor and Mitcham Vale Schools 5 July 2006 Dave Hill, Merton Council's Director of Children, Schools and Families, said: "The council is delighted with the important decision made by the adjudicator yesterday in relation to the future of Tamworth Manor and Mitcham Vale schools. However we are disappointed that the openings could now be delayed because of the need for a full judicial review. It is the view of the council and all other parties that the children, young people and their families deserve reassurance about their position in September and the uncertainly brought about by the judicial review will make it difficult for them to obtain this. The council has been inundated with calls from parents of young people, asking about the outcome and strongly expressing their wish that the academies open in September."

Councillor Debbie Shears, Merton Council's Cabinet Member for Children's Services, said: "We are delighted with the positive decision made by the adjudicator but obviously disappointed that we won't have an official opening date by the end of the school year. "The council embarked on this process during the previous administration. Having committed to the September 11 openings, we now wish to see the issue resolved rapidly so the students and their families can concentrate on what matters most - their education."


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