Monday, July 31, 2006

Scrutiny in Merton

Well tonight I met up with the Chairs and Vice Chairs of scrutiny panels which included colleagues from across the political divide, we all got together and had a meal at Ya Halla restaurant in South Wimbledon (it is a Leabanese restaurant and I would recommend going).

Despite some of the differences I have with colleagues from the other side (many of which are voiced in this blog), generally speaking in my four years as a councillor in Merton, scrutiny has worked pretty well in terms of co-operation and bringing forward ideas. At times it also involved being innovative in making recommendations. As Labour councillors we are also not whipped so we are free to make up our own minds according to the issue, this allows freedom and flexibility in scrutinising Council decision-making.

With Merton Council being an authority with no one party having overall control this is even more important, from time-to-time we will have differences and politics will reassert itself but generally speaking as politicians we are here to serve the Borough of Merton. It is our duty to improve this borough and make it work better, though our ways and means may differ at times it is in the interests of no one to have an adversarial approach all of the time.

Generally speaking tonight went well and it was useful to hear views on a number of different issues from different political perspectives.


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