Sunday, May 07, 2006

Getting Back to Reality!

After the local elections dominating my life for the past few weeks I am finally getting back into the land of reality. This weekend has been a bliss, did one ward event last night (an international night in Pollards Hill) and caught up with a variety of things like shopping that I had not had time to do. Looking back over the past few weeks they have felt like a bit of a blur, time whizzed by and I seemed to be on the go non-stop.

Tomorrow it is back to work after a week away, no doubt loads to catch up with and get to grips with. In the evening we have the first Labour group meeting of this Council where we will elect the leader. With things they way they are on Merton it promises to be an interesting few weeks ahead.
This afternoon I will watch the football and I have not seen too much recently. I heard a story that apparently Tottenham players have fallen victim of foot poisoning and wanted to call off the game but it is going ahead, maybe making their excuses in case they fail to get fourth place. Hopefully Liverpool will get 2nd in the Premiership, though it does unfortunately favour United.


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