Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Community Centre AGM

So we reach the end of the May and what has been for me an extremely hectic month. Tonight was no different, first up was a community safety meeting followed by the AGM of the Community Centre. Before the Community Centre meeting, Andy the manager of the centre was taken ill and we had to call an ambulance, hopefully he will be ok but it held the meeting up for 1/2 hour and was very worrying to all, get well soon Andy and take it easy.

At the AGM we gave the go ahead for Pollards Hill Community centre to merge with the Commonside Development Trust. I regard this as a great success as it is something I have been trying to achieve in four years as a councillor and it finally looks like happening subject to the executive committee agreeing. In term of community services it will also allow greater co-ordination and innovation along with us allowing us to develop and move forward.

At the end of the AGM, I stood down as Chair of the Community Centre. I have enjoyed my year as Chair but with other commitments I believed it was best to move aside and let someone take over who can give the centre that time commitment that is needed. One thing I have learnt in the last four years as a councillor is about managing commitments and prioritising, in this case I believe I have made the right choice and will allow me to do other things in Pollards Hill over the next year.


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